· 4 min read

Weekly Review Questions that Make Resolutions Happen

It kind of feels like waking up from a nightmare.

That moment.

It could be while you’re falling asleep after a lazy day, or when you’re just
out, getting drunk and dancing inappropriately.

“:shit:, I had resolutions. I was going to do it better this time.”

It’s okay, I’ve been there. We’ve all been there.

But there’s one habit that has prevented it from happening to me. It’s so simple
you might stop reading---that’s okay, just remember that it doesn’t count
until you’re actually doing it

Still here? Awesome.

The root of the problem is basically that we forget; our big goals just slowly
start fading to the background. The simple solution? Set up a schedule to remind
yourself and re-commit to your goals regularly.

Every week, I answer a set of (difficult, confronting) questions to myself.
They’re crafted based on what my goals and ambitions are, they force me to
re-connect with my resolutions every single week, so I can get a fresh start
every Sunday.

They’re listed below, so take a pen and a piece of paper and answer all of them
(right now). Then keep that piece of paper where you see it often. Answer them
again next week and just keep going! Block some time in your agenda so you’re
sure to remember this habit.

What are your habits for staying on top of your game? What are some of your
favorite questions to ask yourself? Tweet to me about it!

Join the Challenge

This won't work if you don't regularly answer these questions. I've set up a 6-week challenge with automated emails so you'll get reminded automatically. Join the Challenge

Weekly Assessment

Identity & Personal Freedom

How well have I expressed my true self this week? Do my friends, family and colleagues know who I am and what I desire from life?

At what moments did I feel a sense of authenticity, genuineness and aliveness?

What can I do to be more “me” next week? What do I really want to say or do but haven’t told anyone about?

How can I embody my higher self more next week? What words will I live and exemplify next week?


What feelings do I want to cultivate? How can I generate these feelings?


How much energy did I generate last week? How much joy did I bring?

What were the moments when I felt truly enthusiastic? When did I feel on fire?

What can I do next week to generate more energy? What can I ask myself to prompt positive emotions? How can I better anticipate beautiful moments and relive them again? What can I start doing to increase my health next week?

Love and Connection

How much did I give attention and bring love to the people I care about?

How much time did I spend with the people important to me?

Which interactions last week did I truly enjoy? At what moments did I feel a true connection?

Who can I improve my interactions with next week? How do I want to treat people?

How can I show more love to the people important to me?

How will I spend enough time with the people I care about next week?

Who can I surprise next week?

Courage & Motivation

How courageous have you been last week?

What were the moments where I overcame my fears and demonstrated courage?

When did I prove my commitment to myself? How did I show my dedication and effort?

What did I struggle with last week? How can I honor this struggle? What good can come from this and how can I look at it? Describe the inverse of your fears: “what if” + something magnificent.

What can I get excited about next week?

How can I meet the struggles in the coming weeks?

What courageous actions can I take next week?


How much did I grow last week?

What did I learn?

What do I want to get better at next week?

Mission & Focus

How focused was I last week?

What where the moments when you felt in flow and completely focused?

What did I accomplish last week?

What can I do next week to add value to those around me? What can I do with real focus and excellence to help someone else?

What do I want to achieve next week? How can I be more focused next week?

What do I need to do to earn more next week?

Have I blocked time for my mission?


Who needs me to up my game?

What can propel me to be a better person next week?


How much of a leader have I been last week?

When did I show true leadership skills?

What do I need to do to be a better role model?

How can I challenge people next week?

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