· 24 min read

Big Data Science: Summary

This is a very dense summary of the topic of Big Data Science, i.e.,
the intersection of Big Data and Data Science. It’s my summary for the
course with the same name I followed at Ghent University in 2018.

If you’re new to the topic and adventurous or interested in what you
might not know yet, you can use this to get an idea of the topic and use
it as starting point for further research.

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Data Science
: the science of how to extract insight from data

Big Data
: data a statistician sniffs at

The approaches taken in Big Data versus statistics or classical AI are
quite different:

<table> <colgroup> <col class=“org-left” />

<col class=“org-left” />

<col class=“org-left” /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th
scope=“col” class=“org-left”>Statistics</th> <th scope=“col”
class=“org-left”>Classical AI</th> <th scope=“col”
class=“org-left”>Big Data</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr>
<td class=“org-left”>Hypothesis-driven</td> <td
class=“org-left”>Knowledge-driven</td> <td
class=“org-left”>Data-driven</td> </tr>

<tr> <td class=“org-left”>Careful data gathering</td> <td
class=“org-left”>Expert knowledge + logic</td> <td
class=“org-left”>Get all the data first, figure it out later</td>

</tbody> </table>

The four V’s of Data Science:

  • Volume
  • Variety
  • Velocity
  • Veracity

Lack of Veracity is the biggest problem. A lot of time is still spent on
cleaning data and you don’t want to do that.

Data Mining is beating the data until it confesses. So you still need
statistical verification tests to make sure your conclusions are

Big Data Management

The Old Model

Data is stored in a store-only system, often geared towards archival so
not very fast. In order to do something with the data, you’d need to
build an ETL process (Extract, Transform and Load) that fetches the data
you need and stores it in a RDB (Relational DataBase), i.e., a very
structured data format. Then, you can perform queries and have views on
that data.

The problem here is that once you have a decent amount of data, the ETL
process is just too slow. It tends to run overnight (so there’s the
daily delay too) but you’ll soon get to a point where the ETL process
takes too long to complete in order for you to do something with it,
before you need to refresh the data.

Hello, Hadoop

Hadoop turned this process on its head. These are the principles
introduced by Hadoop:

Just store it. Don’t worry about data structure. You can store
anything in the Hadoop File System.

Scale horizontally. Rather than having big, expensive, single servers,
Hadoop works with a large amount of commodity hardware. Failures and
distributing work are handled automatically.

Move the processing to the data. Hadoop clusters both store data and
perform computations. By making calculations without needing to send all
the raw data over the network first, you’ll get incredible speedups.
Note that because of the horizontal scaling, this works massively

In Hadoop architecture, the following types of nodes are present:

: keeps track of the location of files (which node has which

: schedules tasks across the cluster.

Secondary NameNode
: handles as backup in case the main NameNode fails.

: stores data. All data is duplicated three times.

: tracks task completion and sends statistics to the JobTracker.

Note that the NameNode might be a bottleneck (only that node knows where
the files are). This is avoided by keeping the amount of requests to the
NameNode to a minimum. When a task is launched, the Job tracker
figures out where the data is and sends that to all Task trackers who
need to use the data.

Hadoop introduced the MapReduce programming model. Here, the framework
handles data partitioning, dynamic scheduling, node failure and
inter-machine communication. The programmer is only concerned with
writing a map function and a reduce function.

The fist version of Hadoop did not allow for an ecosystem by enabling
developers to expand its internals, so the ecosystem consisted of code
generators. Examples are Pig Latin which is a simpler API and Hive which
generates MapReduce code from SQL queries.

Hadoop V2 introduced Yarn, with which Applications can run on the
cluster. The Application Master runs on the master node and
applications itself in containers in the nodes. Examples of Yarn
applications are:

: manages complex ETL workloads with dependencies between them

: allows back-and-forth transfer of data with relational databases

: allows continuous log ingestion: a source collects logs, the channel
stores and buffers, a sink extracts and forwards the processed data
(e.g., on the HDFS — Hadoop File System)

: is a message broker and stream processor (think pub/sub)

Set a Spark to it

Hadoop starts up a Java Virtual Machine for each job, which is slow AF.
Think of Hadoop like a (manual transmission) diesel: it’s a car all
right (we used to have horses, remember) but is not straightforward to
operate and accelerates slowly.

Spark solved these problems, with the following design goals:

  • Low latency but still have fault tolerancy and scalability
  • Generality and simplicity: MapReduce is a constraint; Spark allows
    you to do things with less lines of code, you can batch and stream
  • Ability to use the memory instead of writing to disk every time
    (this is a big one)

Instead of executing immediately, Spark only makes calculations when you
really need them. This way, a lineage graph is built so that the
framework can look at all your calculations simultaneously and make
optimizations for you. This also allows Spark to re-compute parts of the
graph if anything failed.

At the front-end, Spark has a few options built-in: Spark SQL, Spark
Streaming, MLLib and GraphX.

In Spark v1, the main object type for data manipulation was the RDD
(Resilient Distributed Dataset). These are immutable so very useful in
cyclic workflows like in machine learning, where you re-use data. If
it’s not available anymore (e.g., the memory was full) RDD’s can just
be recomputed. RDD objects are processed by the DAG scheduler (Directed
Acyclic Graph), then sent to the task scheduler which assigns tasks to

An RDD consists of:

  • A list of partitions it’s associated with
  • Its dependencies
  • Its preferred locations (where do I want to be for fast computation)
  • Partitioning info

Since Spark v2, the main type is the Dataset, which is easier to use
(similar API to Pandas) and has better optimizations. The Dataset uses
named fields, while an RDD is an object or a key-value pair. Maybe even
more important, the Dataset has performance that is independent of the
client’s programming language.

The core of spark is composed of:

  • The Spark Context which lives on the client
  • The Cluster Manager which starts and manages workers
  • The workers who live in Spark Executors. Executors are long-lived
    JVMs and assign a thread per task.

A few more advanced concepts:

Accumulator variables
: are shared variables which are write-only for workers.

Broadcast variables
: are read-only variables that are cached on all nodes (good for
sharing a big dataset among all nodes).

: can be done manually if you re-use a dataset multiple times and your
data is key-value formatted.

Stream Management

Traditional big data solutions focus on batch work: a lot of work is
performed at once. With stream management, you want to process
high-velocity data as it comes in (for example, website popularity or
log analysis).

Use an event hub to ingest your streaming data. This buffers the data
and sends it out to everyone that needs it: file systems for permanent
storage and stream-managing applications. Kafka is the big player here.

Note that stream processing is not the same as real-time processing.
The second one involves tight restrictions on processing speed: a result
in a small time frame is guaranteed. Stream processing does not have
these guarantees; it’ll be a bit slower but a lot simpler and more

We define a couple of types of stream management:

: Simple Event Processing. Processes single events. For example,
filtering, routing, splitting. For example, detecting error states
in a log.

: Event Stream Processing. Acts on streams. Looks at ordinary data as
well. For example, aggregations on order data.

: Complex Event Processing. Can look at multiple events / event
streams simultaneously. Will compute statistics, pattern detection,
joins on data and might introduce new events.

Let’s introduce a few concepts.

Streaming Models. How do you interpret “streaming”?

Continuous Streaming
: process events instantly. Low-latency but lower throughput.
Expensive to implement fault tolerance.

Mini-batch Streaming
: process events a couple at a time. Higher latency but higher
throughput. Easier to implement fault tolerance.

Delivery guarantees. In a streaming system, errors in message
delivery will occur. What kind of guarantees do you need?

  • At most once.
  • At least once.
  • Exactly once. This can be implemented as (a) at least once with
    duplicate filtering or (b) with checkpoints, where the entire
    system’s status is rolled back in the event of failure.

Backpressure. When too much events come in for the processing system
to handle them, the “pipes” (buffers) start to fill up and at some
point, events will start leaking out and data will be lost. How full the
pipes are is what we call the backpressure.

The Messaging Tier. The component of the architecture between the
collection and analysis tiers. This performs message routing and buffers
messages as needed. Allows you to decouple collection and processing.
Additionally, the messaging system can store data to the file system for
persistent storage and handle consumer (e.g., the analytics tier)

Statefullness. Some event processing systems are stateful because
they need to keep data on their own (e.g., counting number of events).
Others like filters are stateless. Usually you’ll have a distributed
store that keeps the processors’ state in check. This might be remote
(on a different system) or on the system itself (local; e.g., when you
split the distributed store in the same way as the processing).

Time and ordering. Events can get delayed everywhere so it’s likely
that they arrive somewhere out of order. The event time is different
from the stream time. Usually, you’d buffer for a certain amount of
time, sort in that buffer and then let it all through. In practice, this
is done with watermarking which is a bit more complex; it adds a limit
to how long ago data can arrive out-of-order.

Time window policies. The trigger policy defines when data should
start being processed, while the eviction policy determines when data
should leave the window.

A sliding window triggers on the interval time and evicts based on the
window length.

A tumbling window can trigger based on time and on the number of events.
It evicts on the window length, too.

Unified Log Processing

In unified log processing, there is a central Enterprise Event Bus
that aggregates and distributes its inputs to the processors. The
contents in the EEP is what we’d call the “unified log.” This are the
properties of the unified log:

: it’s one technology for all the events

: events are appended and immutable, deleted when they reach the end
of the window

: the unified log lives on a distributed, sharded, replicated platform

: every event has a unique offset (within a shard); there’s no global

What you need to know about processing unified logs with Kafka:

  • Awesome scaling capabilities
  • You can add ad-hoc consumers and batch consumers
  • Automatic recovery of broker failure
  • You need custom code, it’s not an end-to-end solution and there
    aren’t many libraries to help you
  • Kafka doesn’t transform data

This is how it works:

  • Kafka runs on nodes (“brokers”).
  • Messages are organized into topics which are replicated and
  • In the replication, only one broker per partition is the master and
    used for reading.
  • Producers push, consumers pull.
  • A producer always writes at the end, consumer start reading at a
    specified offset. The “zookeeper” keeps track of these offsets.

New architectures

Structured Streaming. This uses the Dataset API for both batch and
streaming operations. As this organizes data into columns, it’s highly
structured. Fast, fault-tolerant, exactly-once stateful stream
processing…except you don’t have to reason about streaming.

The Lambda architecture. Big Data systems, especially when you add
streaming, are getting too complex. In the lambda architecture, you
pre-compute views on the raw data in batch, then add in the latest
results with some stream processing library. You can then query those
views very quickly. Changing data is not allowed, you can only create
and read. Instead of deleting, just exclude data from the view---you
might mess up and destroy valuable data otherwise. Just keep the data.
Keep the data separate from the queries. Kappa allows you to implement
it with a single code base that handles the batching and the


Information Retrieval

In order to find documents, you need an inverted index: a data
structure that maps queries to documents. These documents are sorted by
their ID.

An information retrieval system performs these steps:

  1. Grab document lists for each term
  2. Combine the lists and rank their items
  3. Extract document snippets and return results


A basic crawler follows links on a page (add links on a page to the
queue) and processes and stores page data. Challenges are: etiquette
(don’t DoS every website), distributing computation, detecting (near)
duplicates, supporting multiple languages.

Creating the Database

You’ll need to run the document processing in parallel, so use
MapReduce (Hadoop was made for these kinds of workloads). The mapping
step is just building the inverted index for each of the worker’s
documents. Then, you give it a composite key (term, document_id) and
use the following rules:

  • Partition by term only
  • Sort by term and document ID

This way, the framework sorts by document ID instead of making the
reducer do this (which would only work if all the document payloads for
the term could fit in memory). The reducer keeps track (internal state)
of all the documents encountered and flushes this list when he
encounters a new term.


Use D-gaps. Since the list of documents is stored in increasing order,
you can store the difference between these IDs so that the numbers are
a lot smaller. Now we just need to figure out how to make these actually
use less bits, too.

Variable-length integer coding. (varInt) The first bit of a byte is
the “continuation” bit: if it’s 0, the number extends beyond this
byte. This is quite slow because there will be many mispredicted

Group varInt. (by Jeff Dean) Integers are stored per four. The first
byte has 2 bits to denote the length (in number of bytes) for each of
the four following integers. Processing this is a lot faster: you can
use a lookup table (per four numbers, of course).

Simple-9. (word-aligned) Encode per word (32 bits). The first four
bits denote how many numbers there are, the other 28 encode those

Prefix codes. (bit-aligned) Truly variable-length encoding.

Note that processing speed goes down as numbers are compressed more


To store the data, you can either split by row (by term) or by column
(by document). Per document is faster: all nodes need to work for every
query but you avoid hot spots and bottlenecks. These nodes can work in

TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) is the basic query
score metric.

First, normalize your words: remove stop words, make it all lowercase,
apply stemming, try to fix spelling mistakes.


R = (K + (1 - K) \frac{f_{t,d}}{\max_\mathrm{word} f_{\mathrm{word},d}})
\log\frac{N}{|{d \in D: t \in d}|}

In order to rank the results, interpret the query as a mini-document,
compute its TF-IDF scores and compute the cosine similarity (for
example) between documents and query.


Main idea: build a flow graph where each node distributes its score
along its outgoing links. The score of a node is its PageRank. To solve
the flow equations, either do it analytically (add a normalization
constraint for it to have a single solution) or better, use the power
iteration. In per-node form, the update rule is:

r_j \leftarrow \sum_{i \rightarrow j} \frac{r_i}{d_i}

In matrix form:

\vec{r} \leftarrow M \vec{r}

You can also interpret the rank as the probability that a random walker
is at a given node.

With this basic formulation, there are two challenges, though:

  • Spider traps: network structures where the rank stays trapped
  • Dead ends: structures where the importance leaks out

Both of these challenges are addressed by introducing teleports: with
a probability $1 - \beta$, the random walker jumps to a random location
in the graph.

This addition makes the transition matrix dense which is a problem for
storage. However, most elements are just $1/N$ so you can subtract that
from the value and add it later, when you fetched something from the

To prevent leakage, normalize the matrix in every step: calculate the
difference of its total weight and distribute that along every element.

Paralellizing computation is simply by performing block matrix
multiplication and distributing that along workers.

Topic-specific rank. Use a biased teleport set, that teleports
within the set of pages of which you know they belong to a topic. That
way you get a score within that topic.

Preventing spam. Use TrustRank: create a virtual topic that
represents “trust”. Then, the spam mass $S$ of a page is the
following, where $r$ is the PageRank and $t$ the TrustRank.

S = \frac{r - t}{r}

You can eliminate pages with a high spam mass (which means almost all of
their PageRank comes from non-trusted websites0.

Online ads: AdWords

The mathematical problem we’re trying to solve here is bipartite
. You have a graph with two sets of nodes. Within a set, nodes
are not connected; between the sets, as much connections as possible are
present. Basically, you want to match each ad to a (good) search query.

In an offline situation, you can use the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm
(iteratively find an augmenting path and swap the
connected/non-connected parts). In an online situation you’ll have to
resort to a greedy algorithm, because you only get the preferences of
one node at a time. You cannot change choices you made later.

To evaluate online algorithms, we define the competitive ratio as

c = \min_\text{possible inputs} \frac{|M_\text{greedy}|}{|M_\text{optimal}|}

This will be larger than 0.5 and you want it as close as possible to 1.

Okay, AdWords. You (as Google) want to maximize your revenue. Maximizing
the expected revenue is naive: it favors those with a high CTR
(Click-Through Rate) but the only way to measure that is to try placing
the ad. CTR depends a lot on where it’s placed and when it’s shown,
so this is a difficult number to optimize.

You also know that each advertiser has a limited budget. So you want to
deplete the budget of every advertiser. The balance algorithm by AdWords
is basically this: pick the advertiser with the largest unspent
(assuming all bids are equal) This nicely gives every
advertiser a chance to be shown and depletes everyone’s budget. The
competitive ratio is $1 -

To generalize this to non-equal bids, the fraction of remaining budget
is more important; and add a bias towards larger bids. Otherwise,
advertisers with a large budget and very small bid are always shown.
More specifically, with $x_i$ the bid and $f_i$ the fraction of budget
left, the ranking $\psi_i$ is

\psi_i = x_i (1 - e^{-f_i}).

With this formulation, the competitive ratio is still $1-1/e$.

Recommending content

The ideal result of a recommender system is that it would recommend
items from the long tail: items that are not popular, yet highly
valued by the individual.

Content-Based Recommendations. Create a feature vector for each item
(properties you need to know beforehand). You can similarly compute such
a vector for users, by multiplying their rating for each item with the
item vector and combining that (normalized). The cosine similarity then
is your measure for “compatibility.” Note that the utility matrix
(the matrix that stores the ratings) is very sparse.

Content-based systems suffer from the cold start problem (you need to
build a profile before you can start recommending items), but you need
to add all the features yourself. Neither is there a first-rater
problem: you can recommend items that are yet unrated. However, these
systems tend to have low serendipity (surprising results).

Collaborative Filtering. To recommend items to a user, (1) find a
number of its neighbors: users the most similar ratings (use Pearson
correlation or normalized cosine similarity). Then, (2) find items they
all rate highly, rank those and return the results. So the predicted
rating is the rating of a user’s neighbors, weighted by the similarity
the user has with that neighbor. This is user-user collaborative

User-user collaborative filtering is very computationally expensive,
since it needs to search through all users for every rating. User
preferences tend to change, however, item similarities are much more
consistent. Also, there are likely more users than items. So you can
swap the order and perform item-item collaborative filtering: (1) find
similar items by weighting them with how similar user ratings are, (2)
weigh those item similarities by the user’s preferences to predict a

Item-item filtering can perform better because a user typically has
multiple tastes and so items have simpler “type of similarity” than
users. You can precompute the item-item similarity matrix because item
similarities don’t change that quickly. However, item-item filtering
tends to return too similar results (exactly because it doesn’t use
people’s complex tastes as extensively).

Stream Mining

Challenges when looking at streams:

  • The dataset is not known in advance
  • There’s an infinite amount of data
  • The data is non-stationary, i.e. the distribution changes
  • The input rate is controlled externally

This is what we want to do: make calculations on a stream when our
memory is limited beyond what we’d need to perform the calculations in
a naive way.

Fixed-proportion sampling. You want to keep a representative set but
subsample the data. This method still results in potentially infinite
storage but reduces the amount. What you need to know: don’t randomly
pick items, but pick a subset based on the key. How you determine the
key depends on the queries you’d expect. For example, when counting
amount of duplicate search queries per used, sub-sample the users
instead of the queries.

Fixed-size sampling. Use reservoir sampling: say you want to keep
$s$ elements, each sampled from the total amount of elements until now
$n-1$. To add the $n$‘th element, keep it with probability $s/n$ and if
you want to keep it, replace one of the existing elements, uniformly

Counting bits. Use the DGIM algorithm. Summarize in buckets which
increase exponentially in size. Here, “size” is defined as “number of
1s”. A bucket is defined by its starting time (number of 1s on the most
recent side) and its size. All sizes are stored modulo $s$, the window
size. When adding a 1, create a new bucket and combine buckets upstream
so that there’s only one or two of each size. This method needs
s)$ bits for the stream.

To count the number of 1s until $k < s$ ago, sum the bucket sizes fully
after $k$ and add half the size of the partial bucket. The maximum error
is half of the largest bucket size or 50% of the real value.

Bloom filtering. Suppose you have a set of $m$ values $s \in S$ that
you want to keep in the stream and $n$ bits storage. $n$ should be
larger than $m$. Have a set of $k$ independent hash functions
$h_i: S \rightarrow
[1:n]$. For all $s \in S$, for all hash functions, set the bit at the
position of the hash value to 1.

To filter, run the $k$ hash functions and verify whether the value in
the bit array is 1 everywhere. All positives will be let through but
there will be false positives. The probability of a false positive is
$1 - (1 - 1/n)^m
= 1 - (1 - 1/n)^{nm/n} \approx 1 - e^{-m/n}$. For $k$ hash functions,
the probability of a false positive is:

(1 - e^{km/n})^k

Counting item frequencies. Use the Count-Min Sketch method: store a
matrix with $k$ hash functions in the rows and $w$ columns, the possible
outputs for the hash functions. When a new item enters, add 1 in every
row to the column corresponding to the hash value (see how embarassingly
parallel and distributable this is?). To count an element, take the
minimum value over all rows.

Counting distinct elements. Use the Flajolet-Martin approach: keep
track of the maximum number of 0 bits at the end of the hash value of
every element. Say this maximum is $R$. Then, the estimated number of
unique items seen is $2^R$. Note how imprecise this is, so use multiple
hash functions, then group them and take averages within-group; take the
median value of all groups. Note that $\mathbb{E}[2^R] = \infty$.

Large-scale Machine Learning

The statistical formulation. You have a set of hypotheses
$\mathcal{H}$ of which you want to pick the one with the smallest risk
$R$. The risk is defined as the expected loss $L$ over the input

L: \mathcal{H} \times X \times Y \rightarrow \mathbb{R}:
(f; \vec{x}, y) \mapsto L(f, \vec{x}, y)

R: \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}:
f \mapsto R(f) = \mathbb{E}_{(\vec{x}, y) \in X \times Y} [L(f; \vec{x}, y)]

Since the input distribution is not known beforehand, we have to
estimate this. This is called Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM):

\hat{f} = \min_{f \in \mathcal{H}} \hat{R}(f),

where $\hat{R}: \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ calculates the mean
risk for a function over all observed inputs.

So machine learning covers two areas:

: finding $f$ and knowing how that depends on $\mathcal{H}$

: figuring out what we can infer about $R$ by observing $\hat{R}$ and
knowing how this depends on $\mathcal{H}$

Statistical Learning Theory. The SLT Theory defines a bound on the
error we can make with $\hat{R}$. With $\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{H}$ the
capacity of $\mathcal{H}$ (some measure of the amount of possible

\Pr(\exists f \in \mathcal{H}: R(f) > \hat{R}(f) + \epsilon) \leq
\mathcal{C}_\mathcal{H} \delta(\epsilon)

Structural Risk Minimization. SRM restricts the space of possible
functions by imposing a penalty for the complexity of $f$. We’ll mainly
refer to this as regularization. With SRM,

\hat{f} = \min_{f \in \mathcal{H}} \hat{R}(f) + \gamma h(f).

Regression. $\hat{y} = \vec{x}^T \vec{w}$. With Ordinary Least
Squares (OLS), the loss function is the squared difference
$(\hat{y} - y)^2$. Then, the expected risk is:

\hat{R}(\vec{w}) = \frac{1}{n} (X\vec{w} - \vec{y})^T (X\vec{w} - \vec{y}),

where $X$ is the augmented feature matrix (has an extra column of 1’s)
and the last item of $\vec{w}$ is the bias $b$.

Ridge Regression. Applies L2-regularization as SRM to regression.

Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. Applies
L1-regularization as SRM. This favors sparse solutions but has no
analytical solution.

Classification loss. Also called the 0-1 loss, this is the ideal
loss function for classification problems (it’s the accuracy) but hard
to optimize because it’s a combinatorial problem.

The Perceptron algorithm. Basically gradient descent for regression.
Apply the following update rule for each misprediction:

$$ \vec{w} \leftarrow \vec{w} + y_i \vec{x}_i. $$

The perceptron algorithm guarantees convergence, assuming the data is

Linear Discriminant Analysis. A generative approach to
classification with a linear boundary. Assume $\Pr (\vec{x} | y)$ is
Gaussian and there is a prior distribution over $y$. Then, you can
generate instances by using the empirical mean and average for each $y$.
If the prior over $y$ is uniformly distributed, the solution for LDA
minimizes OLS loss.

Logistic Regression. The discriminative version of LDA, this skips
the generation of distributions of $\vec{x}$ and directly proposes a
linear boundary. The probability of a class is

\Pr (\vec{x}; \vec{w}, b) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-y(\vec{x}^T\vec{w} + b))}.

This is convex but there’s no analytical solution. You can add SRM
regularizers easily.

Support Vector Machines. SVMs use the hinge loss and add

Scalable optimization. In a closed-form solution, the matrix
inversion is most expensive. You can distribute the outer products and
sum them, but still need to invert that combined matrix on a single
node. Gradient Descent can be more easily distributed, by distributing
the update rules for the feature dimensions. Stochastic Gradient Descent
uses a random sample of input data for every step and produces better
results while making the algorithm more manageable in terms of

Neural Networks. A neuron computes a linear combination of its input
neurons and adds a non-linear activation function. A neural network is
composed of multiple layers of neurons that each perform the same
computation albeit with different weights. Forward propagation is the
composition of these functions, back propagation is computing the
gradient of the whole function and applying gradient descent.

Activation functions. Often, the sigmoid/logistic function is used:
\mapsto 1/(1+e^-x)$. The ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) is better and
favors sparse solutions: $x \mapsto \max(0, x)$.

K-nearest neighbor. Trainingless classification algorithm. That
means, though, that all the data has to be stored and accessible very
quickly. The curse of dimensionality strikes again! Also, when you end
up using this, normalize your dimensions since it uses Euclidean



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