· 2 min read

Theater: PRINS

This gang of almost-completed humans, if we can interpret a high school diploma as such, tries to understand the world of coffee, meetings and emails.

They think, maybe we can keep our insanity if we never grow up. Maybe we can stay sane if we, right now, investigate carefully how weird adults are. Maybe we can escape the tyranny of adultism and keep playing our entire lives.

Childish or childlike? Old or responsible? Make your choice and come see what the next generation thinks.

“I know I don’t want it really red, neither blue, but I can’t see what’s in between. Why is that? Why can’t I see this? I think children still can.”

Photo from the play PRINS Photo from the play PRINS Photo from the play PRINS Photo from the play PRINS

I wrote and directed this theater play between august and november 2017 with 7 amazing actors and one co-director between 16 and 18 years old.

We had the opportunity to take about 500 people along on our journey about strange things adults do and how we’d like to live when we grow up.

Unless explicitly stated, the photos and videos on this page were made and edited by me.

Graphic Design

I designed the graphics for the promotional campaign: A2 poster, A6 flyer and various other sizes for social media.

Poster for PRINS (A2)

Technical Aspects

I installed the lighting, audio and video setups and designed the lighting throughout the piece. We had a scene where live video was projected with talkshow-like overlays.

That scene is now available online:


Reservation System

I designed and developed our online reservation system (https://reserveer.litoziekla.be) where visitors can buy a ticket. This is an Angular 2 application which communicates with Salesforce, Mailchimp and Mollie (our payment provider). Its source code is available on GitHub.

Thank You

I couldn’t have done this with the help of a whole host of amazing people. Thanks to all of you. It’s been one of the most amazing experiences of my life.

And thank you, dear reader, for checking out my project.


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